No Time For Naysayers is the story of Nick Zane-a confident fortysomething CEO who is about
to address his company at their annual live event.
Despite the company's best efforts, their marketing has failed to connect with their
audience, resulting in sluggish growth and slowing sales. Determined to
rejuvenate the brand, Zane discovers a fresh new idea that will fully engage the company's
faithful and restore brand momentum. Rumors of this
audacious new approach spread like wildfire through the company, and before long Naysayers
are everywhere. Zane's world is suddenly turned upside down as Naysayers converge on him
from every angle, intent on killing the new idea and anything else that stands in their way.
With the help of a
seductive make-up artist, Zane eludes the Naysayers long enough to find that he's trapped in
an endless web of deceit and betrayal. As the clock ticks toward his appearance on stage
Zane will have to summon his courage and find a way to trust, in order to find his way back.

Matt Hodgson
Executive Creative Director
LA / SLC 801.440.7140
[email protected]
Jeff Hoffend
Executive Vice President
NY 585.709.9155
[email protected]
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